Wednesday, August 20, 2008

New Home

We made it to Albuquerque. Unfortunately all the pictures that I took to document the trip will have to wait to be uploaded until the rest of our stuff comes. My cord to upload the pictures is in a box on its way here as I type. Over the trip went well. It was nice to stay in Tulsa with our friends in their new house! 

We found an apartment. It has a great view. All we have is a blow up mattress and my desk with my office computer and Jim's laptop. I am working on Jim's laptop because I am having some connection issues with my computer. I am sure it will get resolved shortly! 

I am still going through some sad moments but I know I will meet friends sooner than later.

Below is our view:

1 comment:

Ernie Noa said...

Nice view Ms. Lum. It was good to say hello yesterday. I hope you enjoyed the photos I shared. It's been a busy week back in IL but a good one. Take care.