Tuesday, August 12, 2008

First things First

Before we head out of the Midwest, Jim needs to get that little thing called his Doctoral Degree. He will be taking his final step in obtaining that today at 2 PM Central. I am not sure who is more nervous, him or me. It's probably him since he has done all the work in preparing for it and he will have to present all his work in a 1-2 hour time frame today.

Once he is done some pressure will hopefully be off and he can start getting excited about our move from CU to the Land of Enchantment, aka Albuquerque, NM. Our lives have been packed up in storage for about 2 weeks now. We have been sleeping on an air mattress and smuggling our dog in an out of an apartment complex that does not allow dogs. Woops! With only 3 more days to go and a long two day trip ahead of us, things are getting pretty crazy.

For me, I am going to continue the job I currently have and work from home in Albuquerque. I am optimistic it will work out. I am going to miss the office environment a lot!

Here are a few photos of where we are venturing from. It was a good 5 years, but I guess it's time to move on.

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